While moving to a new place can be fun and exciting, the part where you must clean out your old apartment is always daunting. It is an unfortunately necessary part of the process, which takes a serious amount of time and effort on your part to execute, especially if you do not want to risk your security deposit.

That’s not all that’s on the line, as a past landlord’s reference can be integral to your capacity to secure a new home.

Move Out Cleaning San Diego

4 Strategies in Your Move Out Cleaning Process

In this article, we’re going to cover different strategies you could enact when cleaning out your apartment. Here they are

A landlord will sometimes provide exiting tenants with an inspection sheet of the qualifications to get your security deposit back. While every lease is different, it is still important to adhere to these requirements.

Some landlords might require professional cleaning services to be hired to, for example, clean the carpets and other features of your apartment. Hopefully, you noted any damage such as scratches, vandalism, and so on before you moved in, so the landlord was aware that these were not caused by you.

And in the case that your landlord has not provided you with a list, it cannot hurt to ask for them. Make sure to get these in writing if you can.

Make sure not to fight against gravity when you are cleaning. Start from the topmost surfaces of your apartment (like fan blades and the tops of cabinets), and go downwards, along the shelves, then the tables, then the floors. All dust settles, so it’s important to start from the top so you don’t have to keep cleaning the lower levels.

And for the places you can’t reach and the stains you can’t remove, a professional cleaning service might be your best chance.

Things such as fans, windows, blinds, light fixtures, and more should all be cleaned. Borrow or buy some cleaning equipment from your savvier friends, and search for the best ways to clean these things on the internet. Any marks that you see should be removed in case they could damage your chances to get your security deposit back.

Small holes in the walls, broken blinds, or burned out bulbs, cracked tiles and chipped paint are all possible culprits that could hamper the return of your security deposit. And while these issues should have been addressed the moment they arose; it is easy enough to miss the one or two ways you might have damaged your apartment.

And if you’re not up to the task of cleaning your apartment, it might be better to hire a professional cleaning service to do it for you.

House Cleaning with Presto Cleaning Maid Service

At the end of all these steps, make sure to walk your landlord through the apartment before the lease is closed. Have them analyze the state of your former home for any repairs or issues that might need addressing. If you’ve followed everything closely, then you should get your security deposit back with no problems.

If you need the help of a professional cleaning service in San Diego, give Presto Cleaning a call at 619-366-0886 and get your free estimate today!