You might have an allergy, skin sensitivity, or you might just be trying to avoid the chemicals found in most cleaning products. If this is the case, we have a few natural cleaning alternatives we think you will want to know about!

There are do-it-yourself concoctions along with stuff you can just buy at your favourite store. You might even have some already lying around the house!

Baking Soda

Most people have a box of baking soda in their fridge for its deodorizing properties, but this nifty little box might as well say “magic” on it. There are so many useful applications for baking soda that we can’t even list them all here.

But we’re going to try anyway:

While you will have to do a bit of at-home-alchemy (combining it with lemon, water, etc.), baking soda is one incredible natural substance.


Do you like glass doors and windows so clean that you need to hang a sign so people don’t walk into them? Good news, there’s a natural cleaning alternative that can help you achieve just that!

Cornstarch can be used to polish windows, pictures, fibreglass doors, and lots of other surfaces too! You can even use it to remove tough stains.

Some additional uses for cornstarch:

Rubbing Alcohol

No bacteria can survive the might of rubbing alcohol! If you’re concerned with a surface being really clean, and not just looking clean, rubbing alcohol kills pretty much bacteria it comes in contact with. 

A few of the things we like to disinfect:



Lemon is a powerful acid agent that can also help kill bacteria. On top of that, it cuts through grease with ease and who doesn’t love the smell of citrus?

Some of our favourite uses for lemon or lemon juice include:

Did we miss something? What are your favourite natural cleaning alternatives?