During times like these, having a clean home is not as much of a cost as an investment. In the middle of a pandemic, we have become more aware than ever of the cleanliness of our surroundings. Not having a clean and sanitized environment during a public health crisis can have very dire consequences. But even during the best of times, a clean environment has its own important value.

Home Cleaning San Diego

When you think of a clean home in terms of an investment in your health, the impact is obvious. In terms of today’s health care costs alone, consider how a clean home is instrumental for some very common health issues that we face today.

The Easy Transmission of Germs

A clean home and environment have measurable effects. We now know that even in our first-world country, a virus can be easily transmissible. Having a clean environment can reduce the risk of contracting a virus or bacteria by 80 percent.

Even a common illness costs the average worker 7.7 percent sick days per year. Tom from Presto Cleaning shares, “If you only have a week (business days) of sick leave, that is an extra 2.7 percent that you aren’t covered for. This becomes exponential for each member of your household, especially children who need to stay home from school or childcare and require a parent at home with them.

Reducing Contamination of High-Contact Surfaces

Having a clean environment reduces surface contamination by a whopping 62 percent. Thanks to our recent pandemic, we are fully aware that germs can live on surfaces for an extended period, depending on the microbe. Consider this:

We have watched companies struggle to keep sanitation protocols at their peak to keep the public safe and healthy. But at home, we may be extremely busy and let our guard down. There are some areas of our personal environment that can be a hotbed of germs that should be prioritized if you are trying to safeguard your home from contaminants:

Get In Touch with Presto Cleaning for Your House Cleaning Needs

A clean home is an investment during times such as these. The costs of an illness in the family can far outweigh the cost of periodic cleaning and sanitizing your home. If you need help keeping your home safe and sanitized, call Presto Cleaning (619) 366-0886 and ask about their house cleaning services.