4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Window Cleaner - What to Know

Many home maintenance projects are completely possible to do all by yourself. For some of them, all you need is a few hours of your time and some easy to find equipment. However, there are some tasks that should be left to the professionals, and that includes cleaning your windows.

Window cleaning by itself sounds straightforward enough, but it’s pretty dangerous, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are also a lot of things to consider when cleaning your windows that you may not realize, which is why it’s best to have professionals take on the task.

There’s nothing better than a fresh, clean house with sparkling windows. That’s why Presto Cleaning provides window cleaning as an add-on service. Once the grime disappears, it’ll feel like you’re living in a brand-new home!

Window Cleaning by the Experts

Here are four reasons you should hire a professional to clean your windows:

  1. You’ll Be Safe from Injuries. Window cleaning is usually done at a considerable height, which means you’ll need to stand on a ladder. On top of that, you’ll have to be carrying several pieces of cleaning equipment. Balancing all that, especially while at a substantial distance, can spell disaster and a lot of potential injuries. Even if you pride yourself on having good balance, there’s the added factor of doing all that while perched on a ladder. Professional window cleaners have special equipment designed to hoist them up safely while securing their equipment. They’ll be able to focus on their job without worrying about their safety since their gear is designed for their work conditions. That’s one less trip to the hospital you’ll have to worry about!
  1. Your Windows Will Be Pristine. There’s a science to cleaning windows and a professional window cleaner knows it all. They know what chemicals to use to prevent streaks and spots and which sponges to use. Plain water and some soap won’t cut it—outdoor windows are much dirtier because they’re exposed to the elements, thus requiring special cleaning solutions and equipment, all of which your professional window cleaner has. Your windows will be spotless, guaranteed. If you live in an area where debris can rub against the glass, like salt from living on the coast, then your windows will take on a dull appearance. Luckily, professional cleaners know how to deal with salt deposits that accumulate on your windows, as this is a fairly common problem in San Diego. They have access to specially formulated solutions that clean your windows completely from salt without further damaging them, restoring it to its original, clear glory.
  1. You’ll Have More Free Time. Window cleaning can take a lot of time, especially if it’s something you don’t do on the regular. If you’re inexperienced, you’re likely to ask for some help from your friends or family too. Hiring a professional window cleaner will save you and your assistants hours of time since they know what exactly to do and how to do it efficiently. Having precious free time to yourself is always worth the price tag.
  1. Your Window Problems Will Be Addressed. Another perk of hiring a professional is that they’re trained to identify any problems in your windows. If left unchecked, these issues can lead to more serious problems. Luckily, they know how to spot even the smallest window problems, like a frame that’s about to deteriorate or loose weather stripping. You’ll be able to have these fixed once they draw your attention to them, preventing any further problems and saving you more money in the long run.

Window Cleaning with Presto Cleaning Maid Service

Cleaning your windows is an important part of maintaining the appearance of your home. While there are other things you can take care of yourself, leave it to a professional to make your windows look spotless. Not only will they restore your windows and make them look brand new, but they’ll catch any issues before they get worse. When you work with Presto Cleaning, you’ll also be able to enjoy a spotless home. It’s a win-win situation!

If you require affordable and reliable window cleaning services in San Diego to pair with your professional house cleaning, give us at Presto Cleaning a call! We are a team of seasoned cleaners that can accommodate not just your budget and schedule, but your individual cleaning needs. Get in touch with us today at 619-366-0886 or get a free quote by filling out this form!